Enjoyed on toast all over the UK, soft set honey (or creamed honey) is favoured for its spreadable consistency and created through a process called “seeding”.

All good quality honey granulates over time- it’s a natural process. Depending on the combination of glucose and fructose levels, the granulation process can be quick or slow. Honeys created from nectar rich in glucose, such as Oil Seed Rape, granulates faster. Pollen content also has a part to play in the granulation speed. The more pollen, the faster the granulation process too. Our labels carry a note about granulation and how it is a natural process because we don’t flash heat or heavy filtration consequently our honey, being unadulterated, can granulate more quickly.
Soft set honey is created by managing the granulation. A seed honey is added to liquid honey. The seed honey has a fine crystal structure which the runny honey will take on. The granulation can’t grow any bigger than the fine crystals from the seed honey. No more big, granulated honey lumps.
In our early days we created our own seed honey by taking naturally granulated honey and grinding it, by hand, in a pestle and mortar until the honey had fine granulation. Now, instead of having to create that seed (thank the lord because it took hours!) we save back about 1kg of soft set honey every time we create a batch. That honey then becomes the seed for the next batch.